Original articleMethodology of the echo-Doppler examination of insufficiency of the superficial venous system of the lower limbs.2025
editorialUnder the banner of controversy. "Without controversy, there can be no debate, no progress, no discussion, no progress.2025
Congress calendarEditorialLife of the SFPInternational life of the SFP12. Controversy in phlebology. Le 82e CONGRÈS 2024 de la SFP. Under the sign of controversy in phlebology The 82nd CONGRESS 2024 of the SFP.2024
Congress calendar14. Calendar of the congresses recommended by the SFP. Calendar of the congresses recommended by the SFP.2024
EditorialThe SFP is with you "Join us as we work together to create the Future of Phlebology". SFP can be help you "join us and hand in hand let's create the future of phlebology".2024
EditorialThe remarkable success of the 81st annual congress of the French Society of Phlebology (14-15 December 2023 in Paris) The remarkable success of the 81st annual congress of the French Society of Phlebology(14-15 December 2023 in Paris)2024