A new method for standardising saphenous insufficiency: the VD(L) system

A new method of standardization of saphenous insufficiency: the VD(L) system.

Summary :
Despite the widespread diffusion of CEAP, it does not provide any useful element for predicting the therapeutic outcome for a specific vein and for being able to effectively compare case series. Furthermore, the extreme complexity of the CEAP classification limits its use to class C only for daily clinical activity which, however, may be the result of the insufficiency of different and therefore not comparable veins. The VD(L) system – (Valves Diameters Length) – allows rapid classification of the saphenous veins based only on objective findings and introduces hemodynamic as well as anatomical variables. To carry out the VD(L) classification, an average time of 25 sec ± 5 sec was recorded in a first group of 50 observations. The VD(L) system after appropriate validation could represent a useful means to predict the outcome of a saphenous ablation.
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